What do you do when you feel lost in life? Whether you're unsure of what you want to accomplish or you don't know how to get there.
Hopelessness arises from a perceived lack of options. Anxiety appears as a perceived surplus of options. Your head spins. Some say you don’t need to know the ‘how,’ just the ‘why’. Makes sense because you never really know how it will work until after it’s been done. Nonetheless, it seems to me that we are focused on answering the wrong questions. We are confused about which life approach we should implement. The internet inundates us with so many different perspectives. What you should be doing, what worked for them, why they have it all figured out and you don’t… OK.
While I appreciate all the experiences and stories shared online, I often find it difficult to discern what resonates. It’s also intriguing that we’re supposed to be uninhibited, free-spirited, immersed in nature, healthy, vibrant, and unattached, all while being highly ambitious, striving to create a life that most could only dream of. We’re told to remain content and at peace with the present moment, all while trying to make something of ourselves. Do you see what I mean?
There are two schools of thought that I go back and forth between.
School of thought #1: Work. Don’t worry about being happy; that will come. Read, learn, apply. Provide value, and money will follow. There is only one winner. No friends, no dating, no alcohol, no junk food, no going out, no social events, no vacations, no sleep, no spending, no texting — just work and create results.
School of thought #2: Liberate yourself. Manifest wealth. Stay positive. Radiate healing energy within and around you. Raise your vibrational frequency — we are all energy, we are all one. There is no competition. You will never work a day in your life when you do something you love. Nourish the body, nourish the soul. Relax. You are enough.
What do you think?
As I see it, the majority of ‘successful’ individuals embody the first school of thought, though there are many who have made it to the top by following the second. So the question remains: Who is correct? I gravitate toward the first approach because the people I look up to most have adopted this mentality and have seen the success I wish to see. You might then ask, “Okay, then adopt that mentality. What’s the problem?” The problem is that I inherently believe there is more to life. I believe in a higher power. I don’t know exactly what it is, but I know it exists. I know there is a lot of strength in positive thinking, energy healing, and calming practices—so much so that I have made it my livelihood! I also know that hard work and sacrifice cannot be replaced.
In The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Sutra 2.27 states:
“When profit comes, they are responsible. When loss comes, God is responsible… Our attitude should be constant: either we are responsible for everything or God is”
We fluctuate between manifestation and relying on sheer force of will. Surrendering all your power to something divine may feel relieving, yet it can also be very disempowering. On the other hand, taking on the entire burden of uncertainty is a frightening proposition. Is there another option? What about being a co-creator—working in harmony with Source to create the life you desire? Source is responsible, and so are you.
My take: I believe it is possible to combine both philosophies. One where you utilize the power of positive, boundless potential and negative energy to transform into something beautiful. One where you manifest a life of abundance and meaning through purposeful action, while also achieving the goals you truly desire.
This brings me to my next point: now what? Action. Just start. Do the things you believe will move the needle forward. Focus on what aligns with what you are ultimately aiming to create. Indecision is the poison of creation. It doesn’t matter if it’s the wrong choice, the wrong business plan, the wrong pricing strategy, the wrong job, the wrong relationship, or the wrong friend. After all, it takes experiencing those situations in order to propel you to make a different choice.
You are one decision away from changing your life, no matter how lost you may feel.